If you would like to receive training on any of the instruments in our facility, please fill out the appropriate form(s) below. Please email the form to the Facility Manager, L. Watanabe (lwatanab@uoguelph.ca). You will be contacted about a training appointment as soon as possible based on your availability.
Access & pXRD Training
XRF Training
- Coming soon
SC XRD Training
- Coming soon
The Canadian National Committee for Crystallography hosts a Canadian Chemical Crystallography Workshop every year. This is a great opportunity for graduate and post graduate level scientists interested in learning more about basic theory and structure determination using single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. More information can be found here.
Other crystallography relevant sites include, but are not limited to:
- Wikipedia article on X-ray Crystallography
- IUCR Educational Resources
- The American Crystallographic Association
- Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
- International Union for Crystallography (IUCr)
- PXRD Sample Preparation Methods.
- Rigaku Oxford Diffraction Forum.
Documentation for the X-Lab Facility is available below: